News and Announcements
The Triennial Report for Division VI/Commission 34 is completed and
will be
published in the IAU Transactions XXVIIIA, Reports on Astronomy 2009 - 2012.
This document reports activities of our Division, Commission, and Working
Groups since the IAU XXVII General Assembly in Rio in August 2009.
The report is available here.
Reorganization of the IAU's Divisional Structure.
The current IAU Divisional structure will be almost 20 years old at the
Beijing GA. A proposal has been drafted to capitalize on the
cross-fertilization and impact of the IAU within the nonastronomical world,
and to reorganize its scientific Divisions in a more compact form.
The number of Divisions is proposed to reduce from 12 to 9.
The draft proposal is available here.
The immediate impact on our Division VI is the merger of current
Divisions VI and VII into Division H "Interstellar Matter and Local
Universe" (page 11 of the draft proposal). The Astrochemistry Working
Group has requested to be upgraded to a Commission, and the Planetary
Nebulae Working Group is considering a similar conversion. More actions
are expected in the IAU GA in Beijing. Comments on the IAU reorganization
are welcome.
Div VI Supported Meeting Outside IAU GA in 2012